Post by Viroth on Apr 11, 2011 22:57:16 GMT
Hello everyone, didn't see a thread for this awesome game and decided to make one.
So, does anyone else play League of Legends? If so, please leave your username, and I'll add you! If you don't know what it is, and are interested in finding out, please read below.
I know that probably 90% or even 100% of the people that see this thread are thinking only one thing: "what the h*** is League of Legends?" (Look near the end for the yellow text if you want a really brief description.)
Well, to put it simply, it's an online multiplayer PvP game. If any of you have played Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne, and know that DotA is, then it's essentially a much better version of it.
A standard game is consisted of a large playing field, and two teams of 5 or 3 players (5 v 5, or 3 v 3). Each team is given their own corner of the map to defend, or their "base", which houses a large building known as a Nexus. The objective of the game is for one team to destroy the enemy's nexus, whilst defending their own. A nexus will also periodically create a large group of weak allies to attack the enemy nexus, which are called minions.
The playing field is split diagonally into two nearly identical halves, with three "lanes". A lane is basically a long road through which you get to the enemy base. There are three lanes: Top, bottom, and middle (Only top or bottom for 3 v 3 games). Now, the lanes are defended by turrets, three for each lane. Minions will spread out from the Nexus to form identical groups which will take a lane towards the enemy Nexus, fighting enemies along the way.
Now, you may ask: "And who am I?"
The answer is simple, you are a champion. Players take control of a single champion, from over 70 different champions, each with different looks, abilities, strengths and playstyles, and use them to help the team with various roles.
There are many types of champions, but here are some basic types:
Mages - Use immensely powerful spells, but don't have much HP or good normal attacks.
Tanks - Heavily armored, tons of HP, and hard to take down. But their spells don't usually cause much ruckus.
Assassin - Stealthy, quick, and designed to kill other champions very quickly. They focus on attacking very fast but their spells aren't amazingly good by themselves usually.
Support - Rather average in all things, they typically have abilities which hinder the enemy team greatly, but don't usually kill them by themselves, or healing / protective abilities. Their purpose is to make sure their team gets an edge in all fights.
That's about as in depth as I'll go, because it's quite alot to take in at once. You can read more at www.leagueoflegends.wikia.com/League_of_LegendsIn VERY simple words: League of Legends is a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game (MOBA). Two teams of 5 players compete to destroy the enemy base using a single champion, or hero per player.If anyone else does actually play this game, my username is: VirothBlightSoul.
In addition, my favorite champions are:
Urgot - The Headsman's Pride botsolo.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/urgot_splash_0.jpg
Karthus - The Deathsinger 2.bp.blogspot.com/_ekQdEA_aq0w/TQDLDIXAvfI/AAAAAAAAAEg/4IF5XQ0tE5Y/s1600/Karthus_Splash_0.jpg
Shaco - The Demon Jester images.wikia.com/leagueoflegends/images/a/af/Shaco_OriginalSkin.jpg
So... anyone else other than me play this game in this forum?
Post by Dogmantra on Apr 12, 2011 2:28:48 GMT
I play it and rage at about half of the playerbase and their dumb senses of entitlement. My favourites are Ezreal (how can you NOT have fun with everyone's favourite beltman?), Kennen (who's also my best, a 2v2 team of mine for a completely different game was named Beltman and Lightning Squirrel Strike Again because we're both fans of Ez and Kennen), Galio (he's the coolest tank, 1v2s top lane then walks away with eight kills... or did in his heyday, unfortunately solo XP nerfs have made him sad). I'm also a fan of Alistar (who is secretly actually called Cow or Cow Man), Amumu, Swain and Twisted Fate. Favourite mages at the moment are Kennen > TF > Master Yi (yes, I play AP Yi :D) I wrote some LoL based stuff. Drawings are mine if they look like crap. Otherwise they're other people's Learn Your AlphabetHow To Play Everyone's Favourite Lightning SquirrelVarious LoL Themed TomfooleryA Helpful ChartAnother Helpful ChartI'm Dogmantra on the US server. Also got a Smurf which I sometimes play on called TheManRatGod.
Post by Viroth on Apr 12, 2011 2:38:01 GMT
Most interesting, Dogmantra. Practically all your favorites are my most disliked...
Now, didn't Ezreal get nerfed real hard? Or so I heard? I kept squishing him into the ground with Urgot and Karthus... so yea.
Just had a match versus a very annoying combo of Alistar and Poppy. It's like knockback heaven... seriously.
And yes, most of the community is half-braindead and thinks they deserve everything.
If I may inquire, exactly how good is Swain, in your opinion? Not really interested in him, though a friend's asked me several times...
Post by Dogmantra on Apr 12, 2011 2:49:49 GMT
Ezreal used to be brokenly good. Then they nerfed him. Then they nerfed him more. Then they buffed him. Then they buffed him a little bit more. Now he's, in my opinion, no Ashe or Miss Fortune, but he's certainly a very strong AD carry, and great for if you want an early game mid laner rather than one who really needs lots of farm to get going (e.g. Ashe) but don't want to completely sacrifice the late game (e.g. Urgot, Caitlyn). He's also amazing fun and clearly the best character ever designed ever. To celebrate my 1000th normal game, I played him as a tank, and it actually worked for half the game. Also, not a surprise you won lanes as Urgot and Karthus against a squishy, they're the two most lane dominant champions in the game.
As for Alistar and Poppy, I find I actually enjoy being beaten by a good Cow player because he takes real finesse to do right, you really need to be able to time things properly and co-ordinate with your team, where a lot of champions can just say "feck it" and drop a stunning Tibbers on everyone. Not naming any names.
My opinion on Swain: He's a fantastic toplaner if you need sustained, tanky, magic damage, but he also has decent burst in a pinch, especially if he picks up a Deathfire and Ignite. He's also a fantastic counter to melee-heavy team comps, and it's really a shame you don't see him picked more often in higher level ranked play, 'cause he has really gone un-noticed for too long. One trouble is that he is INCREDIBLY mana hungry, so you want at least one Archangel's, maybe a Rod of Ages, and you also want to be taking Blue Buff every time it's available, which kind of precludes having Amumu and/or Anivia on your team who are both ridiculously good.
You ever jungle with Karthus? He's actually really good in the jungle. He has one of the fastest clear times, and surprisngly good level 4 ganks. Not an orthodox thing to do, but it's something I've had great success with.
Post by Viroth on Apr 12, 2011 19:44:34 GMT
Oh, on the whole Ezreal v.s. Urgot / Karthus, it's just that whenever I meet an Ezreal, I end up killing him so easily that a ranged minion seems to be stronger. Not just lanes, I mean ganks, team fights, random encounters, everywhere. I haven't fought him much, but the times I have, all I see is a free kill.
On the whole Poppy and Alistar... it's just ridiculous. There's a difference between a good team coordinated attack, but when two champions can easily knock you up twice, stunning you for a bit of a long time, bring you to their turret, and surround you(Whilst completely taking away 80% of your health bar during this time), it's a bit different than, for example... Shaco fearing everything and then Nocturne coming in with all his guns firing.
Every time, as Urgot (With Morgana as my partner), Poppy and Alistar managed to knock me so far back away from everyone else, I'd end up at the turret (aiming right at me with a nice helping of minions to kill me near instantly).
And on the jungling with Karthus, I don't really jungle at all. The only champion I've jungled with is Shaco, in custom games v.s. the AI to learn him a bit. Even if I were to try this strategy, my recent teams usually have a jungler, so I'd be mostly getting in the way.
Now, however, I think I'm opting to try Gangplank. You tried him out?
Post by Dogmantra on Apr 12, 2011 22:19:08 GMT
Ezreal is, in my opinion, one of the hardest champions in the entire game. Back when he was super OP, you still didn't see that many Ezreals just because he was REALLY tough to play (just like how when Anivia was OP a few patches back some people didn't realise because she was really tough to play right). He relies on positioning almost as much as Kog'Maw, but doesn't have the range to back it up. His flash is on a 13-ish second cooldown, and that's REALLY not fast enough for escaping if you also plan to duck back into the fight at a more opportune moment. He's also shut down by both silence AND blind, pretty much the only champion who is, as he's such a hybrid of Caster and Autoattacker, despite building as an AD champion. The person who taught me Ez when I was new mostly runs Cleanse on him because CC = death, I tend to run Flash/Ignite but get a Quicksilver Sash for CC. Basically, what I'm saying is that a bad Ezreal is a free kill, but a good one with a decent Ez team comp? Will just destroy.
I'm very surprised you're getting outlaned by Poppy, one of the worst laners in the entire game. It can be tough to lane against a good Alistar combo, the only thing you can do is turn around and attack once he's blown his Pulverise/Headbutt combo.
And finally, Gangplank... yes I've played him. I've played every champion (except Malphite, long story) in at custom games vs AI, and probably about 2/3 of them in normal games. He is... terrible. Don't go into games expecting to be useful and you'll have fun. Skilling order is one rank into Raise Morale at level 1, killing Cannon Minions whenever they're there, otherwise killing melee minions, then you focus Parrley and last hit with it for more farm. Take as many ranks in Remove Scurvy as you have to to survive in lane, otherwise more points in Raise Morale. Make sure to keep an eye on the map for your ult. Ghostblade is great on him, as are Infinity Edge and Trinity Force and if you're having mana troubles (which you probably will), Manamune.
Post by Viroth on Apr 12, 2011 23:39:45 GMT
Hmm... interesting statements on Gangplank, I'll look into this.
I suppose Ezreal is indeed difficult to use, being a skillshot champion and all, but I really haven't seen him used to his true potential.
And on Poppy, I don't get outlaned by her. I laugh at her face as I throw tons of Acid Hunters / Lay Waste bombs her way, and watch as she tries to DPS me down in a futile attempt. At best, I own her and push the lane. At worst, I die and she dies with me. I don't have a problem with Poppy. I have a problem with Poppy when she's with Alistar. Because they both have push-around abilities, they can effectively air-juggle me all the way into their turret. If it was just Poppy, or Alistar, I can handle it.
The problem is when you're using a squishy or anyone who isn't the very best at melee and get ganged up on by two champions who can stun the hell out of you whilst managing to get the turret to help out too. While me and Morgana were able to keep them at a distance most of the time, we'd end up forcing a push and they'd just charge right at us, and of course Morgana flashes and ghosts off whilst I am left with an angry Poppy and Alistar helped by a turret.
Also, there isn't much choice on what to do when they've done their pushing technique. I'm an Urgot / Karthus stuck behind enemy lines, with two melee champions in my face, a turret shooting at me, and low health.
Once the game got into a more team-fight mode, they were the least of my worries, but I was very surprised that they could just knock Urgot around like a rag doll.
Let me see how the new patch has gone...
Edit: Oooh! How exciting! I get to wait... MORE time to play... -_-
Post by Dogmantra on Apr 13, 2011 2:00:50 GMT
Wait... you mention being outlaned against Alistar/Poppy combos as Karthus and Urgot?
Why aren't you in top lane/mid as Urgot or mid as Karthus?
Post by Viroth on Apr 13, 2011 2:21:41 GMT
Always top lane with Urgot, always mid lane with Karthus.
Morgana was my (cowardly) top partner when I was in the Alistar and Poppy predicament. It was more like 1 v 2 since she ran away at all times. Whenever I tried to run away with her, I'd get exhausted and juggled, and she would just b out.
When I face her with Karthus, I utterly destroy her, unless someone from top or bottom comes to gank me, at which time I leave them both with low HP.
I only have a problem with Poppy when I'm Urgot, and I'm top and my lane partner doesn't want to do anything.
If I said I get outlaned with Karthus v.s. her, I must have written something erroneous. The only time I've never been mid with Karthus was when a noob Ashe refused to give up mid, and my team was screaming at me, instead of the noob ashe (Who just fed the enemy) to go top.
The only problem, again, I've had with Poppy as Karthus is when it's 2+ v.s. 1, where her charge just throws me into the enemy's grasp. Though I usually get her with a defile and Requiem once I die.
Post by Dogmantra on Apr 13, 2011 3:28:02 GMT
Ahh, we seem to have a misunderstanding here. When I say "top lane" specifically, or "top laner" I mean solo top lane. What kind of level (not summoner level, just what you think your skill is) would you say you play at? How many Normal game wins + losses and how much Ranked have you played? Mostly in a co-ordinated team, top lane will be a solo lane for a tankier, more escape-heavy character (e.g. Kennen, Galio, Swain, Renekton, Urgot) or one that you want to get an ult on ASAP who also isn't too bad at escaping (e.g. Shen, TF), mid lane will be for a carry/mage that wants LOTS of farm and levels (or a counter-mid that also scales well with items), bot will have two in it, normally with at least one support, then you'll have a jungler. It sounds like 1/1/2/jungle isn't something you're typically seeing, so forgive me if I'm being presumptious, but when you reach higher level play you'll frequently get matched as a solo against another solo in the top lane. Poppy, Alistar, etc, should be down in bottom lane or roaming, so you shouldn't have a problem. I was confused is all.
Post by Viroth on Apr 13, 2011 19:50:40 GMT
Hmm... by skill level, I would say above average, mostly. I'm not an incompetent useless feeder, but I don't frequent many kill streaks. Usually a bit of a careful player, but my main problem is I have a tendency to just suicide to get kills with Karthus or that I commit just as my team mate or team decides to run off and then yell "B!!! B URGOT / KARTHUS!!! GET BACK FFS!!!!" when I'm already dead.
So, from 1 - 10, I'd say around 6 - 7.5, as I'm good at games like this, but I'm not much into the metagame or that much of a hardcore player. I play, I do good, and that's about it. I'm not the team leader, but I'm not the worst team mate. I am dependable, but not the key to our victory.
When I do very badly, however, it's usually because the entire enemy composition directly counters my champion, my team doesn't really co-ordinate well, that Ashe / Caitlyn feeder wants to kill steal, or I made a mistake early game.
I am not particularly high in normal matches, really. Fighting with level 10s - 16s at most, as I am level 12. I spend most of my time, however, playing custom matches with my friends really. This 1/1/2 is not something I typically see. Most of the time we don't have a jungler (And we usually lose when we have one).
I don't really play pre-mades, and have won about 19 or so normal games. Lost... erm... not certain, but probably around 6-10. Usually stuck with incompetent team mates that think Requiem is always off CD or that spend their time flailing about uselessly and stealing my hard earned kills.
I did, however, once experience a "1/2/2", where some stuck up loser Nasus was barking out orders. He demanded that Top be the mid, and he could handle it as he was a tank, and that the rest of us go to the other lanes and let him be.
Every death, mistake, or turret death was immediately our fault, he was much better than us, blah blah blah, and then he kept feeding the enemy team. That was way in my earlier games, so I wasn't that good. Of course, he left, and our team lost due to pure incompetence.
Has it ever happened to you, however, that your entire team just... decides to screw itself over via champion pick? I mean, I had a team... I picked Karthus. Someone else got Veigar and screamed for mid. Then someone picked Warwick, and demanded jungle. Finally, an Annie who stated they weren't really good with Annie, but wanted to try her... and finally... even though we needed a good tank, or any other non-magic / non-jungler... the last person picks Shaco... and tries to mid-lane.
So, I got a Veigar yelling all sorts of obscenities at Shaco, useless Warwick dying to Golem, feeder Shaco, Annie without a brain, and myself stuck to soloing top...
Sometimes, people just set themselves up for failure, and blame you for it... that's what I don't like about the community.
I think one time I'd like to play against you, Dogmantra, just to see. Obviously, I'd die horribly, you'd point out tons of mistakes I make, and other things... but I still feel like playing v.s. someone I know other than my typical friend who just rages at my champions being "OP".
Post by M.C.MastaAustin on Apr 22, 2011 0:13:13 GMT
I play LOL with the most ruthless bloodthirsty champion ..... Teemo.
Post by Dogmantra on Apr 22, 2011 0:32:03 GMT
oh my oh my oh my
I have not been so excited for a new champion since Galio came out. I WANT RUMBLE SO MUCH AND I WANT HIM YESTERDAY
Post by Viroth on Apr 25, 2011 3:15:45 GMT
Oh, M.C., you play? If so, leave your name lying around so I can add you and perhaps we could play one or two. As for your statement, I detest Teemo, especially his voice. It is disturbing to me in every way it can be.
Also, Dogmantra, why Rumble? He looks so... blah. And his Ult doesn't look good either...
Recently taken a liking to: Malzahar, Kog'Maw, Cho'Gath, and Twitch.
Interesting little fellers, would love to play against anyone from here. Once more, I believe I've stated this, my user is VirothBlightSoul if anyone wants to add me.
You'll see me on frequently these days, playing customs and trying out champions. Need a bit of help on using Cho'Gath, so going against another human player that won't scream at me for every mistake would be nice, or a friend who can't 1 v 1 without dying constantly...
Post by Dogmantra on Apr 25, 2011 3:40:44 GMT
Rumble looks adorable. With Kennen, I came for the gameplay, I stayed for the cute. Same with Ez.
Post by Viroth on Apr 25, 2011 22:36:05 GMT
...All that metal would seem troublesome to Feast upon... Cho'Gath might not be liking him.
Post by M.C.MastaAustin on Apr 27, 2011 3:38:49 GMT
woohoo my comp is working agian ... I can play agian!
so Viroth whenever your ready...Its time to duel! er battle.
Post by Viroth on May 1, 2011 16:34:43 GMT
Hey, Dogmantra, gotten Rumble yet?
I've seen him around, but I'm not too sure if he's a good buy and wanted to see if I could get your opinion on him.
Post by Dogmantra on May 1, 2011 17:19:44 GMT
I got both Rumble and Lee Sin on the day Rumble came out (I was saving ya see)
His laning is either mediocre or awesome. If he's against ranged champs he has a tough time laning, against melee he destroys because his flamethrower does far too much damage for his own good. Once he farms up a Rylai's, he is IMPOSSIBLE to get away from. So much CC, speed boost, etc.
Once you get the hang of his ultimate it works incredibly well either as damage + CC in a teamfight or a chaser (it's also super long range). His one trouble is that he's a very short range caster, so he needs to build tanky (and thus compromise his damage output) or he'll die.
If you're still on the fence about him though, see what happens to him in the next patch. I think he's a blast.
Post by Viroth on May 1, 2011 20:43:16 GMT
Eh, I'm not one much for melee champs, with the one exception being Dr. Mundo.
After a few games v.s. him, I think I'll stick to buying Vladimir. I think I'll get a few more squishy casters or so before I'll try him out.
I've found him very annoying in some games, but overall I don't think he scales very well. That is, of course, from what I've seen. Most of them dominate early - mid, but they start getting weaker as the game goes and squishies start to really put a hurt on. Also, he lacks a stun, correct?