Post by herpanda on Nov 6, 2012 4:54:59 GMT
A shield shatters in the distance! Barrier Girl quickly gets ready for the next assault, charging a shot while getting her shield back online. Beam Tank's treads hum in the distance, quickly enclosing on his target. Spinner disk and drill revved up, both combatants get ready for ROUND 2!!! The fight is on! The bracket thus far! Eagle Robot popped Honey off of the match! Twas more one-sided than I thought it'd be, to be honest. Results:GFF- 3:8 GFaqs- 0:4 Total- 3:12 Eagle Robot On the bench: Metal Hero vs. Acceleration Ninja!ROUND 2: MATCH 1, BEGIN! I'd like to leave a link to the original Beam Tank art, as I used it without permission (short notice, just found it, no time to ask! I also forgot my DA info lol, but I left his/her signature on it to be safe. Wow, great work on the tank. Original in link; I cropped it a bit.)serpentnight2350.deviantart.com/art/Gotcha-Force-Battle-282493776?
Post by yuurei on Nov 6, 2012 5:12:21 GMT
MegaGirl mah Girl man. Yo tank can't handle her Yo-Yo!
Post by herpanda on Nov 6, 2012 5:14:33 GMT
MegaGirl mah Girl man. Yo tank can't handle her Yo-Yo! You sir, just made my day xD. Thank you.
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Post by njayhuang on Nov 6, 2012 5:23:27 GMT
Beam Tank really gets the short end of the stick when it comes to fanart. That's the only one I have in my folder too.
Post by herpanda on Nov 6, 2012 5:26:48 GMT
^don't forget this one...though I don't know if it's "fan" art or not , at least, not for Beam Tank.
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Without Asuka from Germany, everybody would be lost
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Post by njayhuang on Nov 6, 2012 5:56:48 GMT
lolol I found "Drill-tan"
Post by Death Eye on Nov 6, 2012 6:06:50 GMT
You know, lately I've really been starting to appreciate the Tank playstyle. While borgs like Barrier Girl can just fly around at high speed and dodge everything while whittling away at the enemies' HP, the Tank playstyle seems to really emphasize strategic placement and shooting so you can keep the opponents far enough away that you can hit them and have time to dodge their attacks, and I like that sort of strategic depth. Especially with Beam Tank, since it has a drill to rearrange people's faces at short range rather than just get away and shoot. So Beam Tank +1.
Post by herpanda on Nov 6, 2012 6:21:48 GMT
^it's what keeps this game fresh, every single time, and I love GF for that. So far, I've played mostly the girl/wing/gred/cyber ninja/goldHero/etc. playstyle, it's my favorite and probably the easiest (and imo, most fun) way to pick up and play GF, and it also seems to be the most populated borg wise. Been working on Tao Master's herding ambush style recently, and the melee heavy character's playstyle as well, which really take a deeper understanding of a character's moveset beyond shoot shoot shoot. Tanks are fun too, gotta use dem obstacles lolol I found "Drill-tan" And this, my friends, is why you should be careful when hugging girls...jk Sometimes I wonder how you find these lol. Other times, I wonder why fans draw what they draw >_>
Post by Stove on Nov 6, 2012 12:14:09 GMT
You know, lately I've really been starting to appreciate the Tank playstyle. While borgs like Barrier Girl can just fly around at high speed and dodge everything while whittling away at the enemies' HP, the Tank playstyle seems to really emphasize strategic placement and shooting so you can keep the opponents far enough away that you can hit them and have time to dodge their attacks, and I like that sort of strategic depth. Especially with Beam Tank, since it has a drill to rearrange people's faces at short range rather than just get away and shoot. So Beam Tank +1. All this. I love Beam Tank, as he is generally kept at a range by opponents unlike normal tanks (as that drill is really strong) and of course has strong shots. I honestly think, in a 1v1, Barrier Girl has no real options in this matchup. She gets too close and the drill pierces through her shield easily, and does damage to her. Too far and Beam tank can easily avoid ALL her shots and fire back with stronger shots. If the opponent tries using max shot, beam tank can take advantage of this and fire a more powerful shot. Beam Tank also has more HP.
Post by Carigun on Nov 6, 2012 15:42:42 GMT
ok this is hard.
the drill will brake the shield of barrier girl but while he is doing that barrier girl will shoot the tank but since of the low hp of barrier girl and the high hp of the tank will finish his target.
HP Predictions 0 Barrier Girl 120 Beam Tank
Post by Sentinel on Nov 6, 2012 21:11:15 GMT
Barrier Girl! Aka, Shield Johnson! To me.
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Post by Deleted on Nov 6, 2012 22:22:32 GMT
Beam Tanks have been more of an annoyance to me than Barrier Girls. Their shields are pretty easy to take down.
Post by herpanda on Nov 7, 2012 2:33:54 GMT
update, it's 5:1 on gfaqs, Barrier Girl. With that, it's 10:6 so far, and 2.5 hours remain! And yeah, I just realized how futile of a fight this is. Beam wins from afar, and upclose her melee's are useless as Beam Tank won't get hitstunned easily, so using the shield to stun him isn't an option! So...wow...I'm going to try out Beam Tank this weekend. Barrier Girl is still cooler tho Huzzah! *shield*
Post by Stove on Nov 7, 2012 2:53:00 GMT
^1. She isnt. Beam Tank just isnt popular enough.
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Post by Deleted on Nov 7, 2012 3:06:54 GMT
Beam Tank just isnt popular enough. Because people hate on him because he's so annoying to deal with.
Post by Frozazen on Nov 7, 2012 3:38:43 GMT
I agree that popularity is a major factor in this, because this is a popularity poll. I wish there were videos of people completely rocking with a lot of these borgs, though. As of right now, most of us seem to be going with aesthetics, trying to avoid the spammy/overrated borgs, or going with what they think would win in a 1v1 fight based on the current playstyles. If there were fights showcasing how one truly uses a beam tank/cyber hero/kung-fu master in a versus match and winning, I'm sure our respect for those borgs would increase. But this is why we must spread the love